Founder: Mrs G Pattinson
All donations and/or correspondence should be sent to:
Hon. Secretary Gladys Barnes 111 Holden Street Ashfield NSW 2131
Bowl for Others was founded November 27, 1961 by the then President of NSWWBA, Mrs Gladys Pattinson, and has continued to contribute to a number of charities for the past 50 years. Founder, Gladys Pattinson, envisaged the potential for members of Women’s Bowls NSW to assist in helping the less fortunate in our community and so Bowl for Others was founded. With the Bowls For Others badge showing hands holding a bowl and the words “Overflowing with Human Kindness”.
The important decision to found such an organisation was reached that each member of Women’s Bowls NSW would be asked to voluntary donate the sum of ten shillings, now $2.00, along with their Women’s Bowls NSW Affiliation fees. Since its inception, Bowl for Others has contributed these annual contributions have been distributed to many causes, which are presented to the various recipient organisations that are being of service to women in NSW at the Annual Presentation of Philanthropic Cheques luncheon. As well as these annual donations, clubs also donate to Bowl for Others at Christmas time in lieu of cards, and in memory of loved ones in lieu of floral arrangements. As well as this, clubs hold Charity, Gala and Special Days in show to help contribute. While Bowl for Others does contribute financially to a number of organisations each year, members also perform other duties often visiting country members of Women’s Bowls NSW who have been hospitalised in Sydney.
Each year’s contributions to Bowl for Others are distributed:
- 51% of annual contributions to be dispersed to assist accredited philanthropic organizations that are being of service to the women of NSW;
- 25% of annual contributions to accrue for future projects for the benefit of all women bowlers in NSW;
- 24% of the annual contributions to be set aside to assist (proportionately, upon investigation) women bowlers in extenuating and necessitous circumstances and for administration
- All other donations to be included in the Annual Contributions Fund unless specifically earmarked by the donor or club.
Since it was founded over 50 years ago “Bowl for Others”, on the efforts of the women bowlers of NSW, have donated over two and half million dollars ($2, 500, 000) to Medical Research. Those who have received support since Bowl For Others inception have been the Gladys Pattison Memorial Foundation for Endocrine Cancer Research, Aust. Multiple Sclerosis Society, National Heart Foundation of NSW, Adult Deaf and Dumb Society, the Aust Kidney Foundation, Micro Surgery Fund, Jean Colvin Hospital (Cancer Patients’ Assistance), Sydney Eye Hospital, Leukaemia Research, Rheumatoid Arthritis Fund and Dermatology Fund.
Contributions to Sydney Hospital include 5 artificial kidney machines at a cost of $5,000 each, electroencephalograph ($15,000), donation towards Sharplan 791 Surgical Laser ($10,000), Farnsworth Lantern for retinal disease, Zeiss operating microscope [instruments used in Leukaemia research], 2 Bonn “D” automatic blood pressure instruments [$700.00] and $80,000 for the procurement of an Ultrasound Echoscope.
In a letter of thanks, the Sydney Hospital said that “these gifts have enabled Sydney Hospital to continue at the forefront of patient care for a great many members of the community through diagnosis, therapy and research into causes of disease and better methods of treatment. Truly there is almost no organ or system in the human body that has not been or will not be affected by one of your gifts.”
As a point of interest, the very first organizations to receive cheques from BFO were Cancer Research, Heart Foundation, Asthma Research and MS – each presented with an amount of £250 in 1963.
The successful functioning of Bowls For Others can be attributed in no small measure to the dedication and keenness of women bowlers within the clubs, who collect subscriptions and generally promote membership. The Patrons of Bowl for Others are the current Women’s Bowls NSW State President and the immediate Past State President of the Association, who are usually involved for 3 years in each case.
The Secretary arranges for visits to be made to country members when they are hospitalized in Sydney.
2019 Bowl for Others Committee
President: E. Arnold
Secretary: G. Barnes
Treasurer: E. Arnold